Thursday, May 7, 2009

By the way...

The baby birds hatched! Well, 2 of the 4 did, but they were laid at different times. I think they hatched about a week ago, but I didn't want to bother them by taking pictures...besides, they were just little blobs with a few scraggly feathers here and there, so it wasn't very cute. They're growing so fast. I can here them chirping right now!


Molly said...

I find the ring of poop fascinating. Especially up on the walls. I'm so glad we poop in toilets.

Ashley C. said...

Ha, I thought about the same exact thing! How did they get it so high up there? The nest was so clean before the dirty kids came along!

Sweetpea_and_Pie said...

that poop is gross.

it doesn't look like there's room for the other two eggs to hatch. perhaps the mama is expecting the first two kids to move out before the other ones arrive.

Ashley C. said...

Wow, the baby birds left the nest less than a week after I posted this! They just disappeared. I had imagined them fluttering around and hanging out for a while, but I guess once they learn how to fly, that's it! The other two eggs never did hatch. One was cracked and the other was just sitting there. It was so pretty, I wanted to keep it, but when I looked in the nest the other day they were both gone!! I have no idea where they went.